Abstract/Realism Gallery

Some exciting news, I have added a new category titled Paintings of Abstract/Realism as I have been interested in creating works which are not as realistic as my landscape paintings, yet remain vibrant in colour and texture.

  • Acrylic painting titled BOLD & BEAUTIFUL
    Painting of flowers found in the Taranaki region. Approx sizes W-76cm, H-50.7cm, D-3.8cm
    Medium signed acrylic painting on boxed canvas, with painted edges, and sealed ready to hang.
  • Acrylic painting titled REACHING FOR THE SKY
    Acrylic painting titled REACHING FOR THE SKY. Approx sizes H-76cm, W-76cm, D-3.8cm. Large signed acrylic painting on boxed canvas, with painted edges, sealed and ready to hang.
  • Acrylic painting titled DRESSED IN WHITE
    Where- Hamilton Gardens, Hamilton. Acrylic abstract/realism painting.
    Medium signed acrylic painting on boxed canvas, with painted edges, and sealed ready to hang.
  • Explosion of colour
    Acrylic abstract/realism painting showing stems of flowers and leaves. It is more realistic in the centre and changes to abstract as it moves to the edges of the painting.
  • Flaming Rosettes
    Acrylic abstract/realism painting of 2 bromeliads on a textured surface.

© Copyright 2021 Joanna Meek Artist